Department of Electronics and Communication (E&C) Engineering is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi from 01-07-2019 to 30-06-2022 for the period of 3 years. ECE is one of the renowned branches in the field of Engineering, have proved time and again, that they play a pivotal role in both the developing and well-being of our society in the fast paced human life. E&C branch is concerned with the design, development, manufacture and application of electronic devices, circuits and systems.
It lays greater emphasis on deep understanding of fundamental principles and state of the art knowledge about Electronic Devices and Circuits, Computer Architecture and Microprocessors, VLSI and Embedded systems, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Analog and Digital Communication, Digital Signal Processing, Microwave and Broadband Communications. The department has well-qualified, experienced and research oriented faculty.
4 years(2011-2015) of the splendid journey at Alva’s institute really helped in putting things into reality. The hard work of management and faculties for the betterment of students is remarkable. The right place to showcase our talents. Proudly I can voice up that I’m a Alvasian. #2015Batch
Ashwin Gowda
Aris Global
Four formative years here helped me grow academically and personally
Four formative years here helped me grow academically and personally. This college environment unequivocally helps develop the much-needed appetite for students to learn, build and execute in their respective fields. I am grateful for all the learnings here, and happy to be a part of AIET. #2015Batch
Shreyas P. Bhat
Global Foundries
Proud to be an Alumni of ECE dept of AIET
I was spellbound on my last visit to AIET. So much progress in terms of infra and technology over the last decade. Proud to be an Alumni of ECE dept of AIET. #2008batch
Sushant Hegde
Senior Design Engineer- Qualcomm
my sincere gratitude and thoughts towards the college for playing a major role in my success story
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thoughts towards the college for playing a major role in my success story. The campus is filled with positive energy and exuberance. My first visit left me awestruck after looking at the atmosphere of the college. The college is full of limitless opportunities if you want to discover yourself. Besides that, this college has given me sweet memories, faithful friends and a sense of confidence to face the challenges and turbulence in life. #2017Batch
Manaswitha Shetty
AIET has provided me with the roots to follow my dreams and passion
AIET has provided me with the roots to follow my dreams and passion and I am exploring my potential in every sphere of life. I owe gratitude to my Alma Mater for enabling us to believe that we are special and preparing us to embrace the ever-evolving global challenges. #2016Batch
Akshara Kathribail
Deloitte India
Alumni meet brings back so much memories
Alumni meet brings back so much memories. I’m very happy that the department has grown so much in potential. #2008batch
Nithish Bharadwaj
Project Lead -Telenetrix
It was my immense luck and fortune to be the part of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology where I can grow
It was my immense luck and fortune to be a part of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology where I can grow. The entire faculty and department leave no stone unturned to shape one’s future. My four years at Alva’s have been a wonderful experience of learning with prolific exposure to the outside. Huge respect, love and devotion for entire faculty members and the department. It’s their efforts that make me count myself into better professionals. #2017Batch
Praveen Kumar C
Blue Tree Consultancy and Services
Feels so good to connect with the students
One thing that I would absolutely never say no is when I’m called for an Alumni meet. Feels so good to connect with the students during the interaction. Memories Relived!
Anushree Shettigar
Specialist, PWC
AIET which made me realize I’m bound to do much more
My journey at Alva’s was a Roller-coaster ride. Its AIET which made me realize I’m bound to do much more. Its taught me much greater deeds that classroom cant! #2013batch
Rohan D’souza
Masters - Data Science, Queensland University, Australia
The Research Centre in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum since the academic year 2017-18. The research centre offers a Ph.D Program for both students and faculty in Electronics and Communication and related branches.
Research Tools
COMSOL Multiphysics software
VLSI cadence tools (PG bundle)
Xilinx Vivado-2018
ARM CORTEX Keil µVision4
Research Activities
Training for the students on MEMS Comsol Tool.
Encourage students and faculty to take-up research oriented projects in interdisciplinary areas.
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Ajay Prinston Pinto
AIET, Mijar
Dr. Dattathreya
Prediction of Epilepsy by the Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence using GPU
Aneesh Jain M V
AIET, Mijar
Dr. Dattathreya
Design, Fabrication, Characterization and Development of Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator
Sachin K
AIET, Mijar
Dr. Dattathreya
Novel Method for Data Security, Privacy and Authentication for IOT based systems
Niju Rajan
AIET, Mijar
Dr. Praveen J
Design, Simulation and Development of Peizoelectric Low Frequency Vibration Sensors
2017 -2018
Name of the Student
College Names of the Student
Date of Registration of Ph.D
Topic of Research
Mr. Sushanth Anil Lobo
Dr. DV Manjunatha
MEMS Pressure Sensors
Mr. Prashanth N
VTU-RRC, Belagavi
Dr. Dattathreya
Enhanced Image Reconstruction Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithm and Performance Evaluation in Compressed Sensing
2016 -2017
Name of the Student
College Name of the Student
Date of Registration of Ph.D
Topic of Research
Veerbhadra Swamy K.M
Govt. Engineering College, Ramnagar
Dr. DV Manjunatha
Implementation of Background Subtraction Algorithm for Detection of Colour Image
Details of Candidates Registered Under Research in other Research Centers: 2015 -2016
Name of the Research Scholar
Name of the Other University
Topic of Research
Parveez Shariff B.G
Bio-Signal Processing
Sudhakar H M
Power Electronics
Sponsored Research Projects for Past Three Years
Project Title
Year of
Development of Prototype Chemicals Sensors for environmental/ Industrial/ Agricultural Applications
Rs. 1 Crore
Dr. Dr. Richard Pinto, Emeritus Professor, Dept. Of ECE
2 years
Sl. No
Patent Application number
Published date
A process for fabrication of P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric beams and cantilevers as vibration sensors and energy harvesters
Dr. Richard Pinto
Enhancement of micro direct methanol fuel cell (μ-DMFC) performance using micro channels fabricated from <100> silicon wafer orientation and P(VDF-TrFE) coated nafion membrane as proton exchange membrane
Arjun Sunil Rao,
Dr. D V Manjunatha,
Dr. Richard Pinto
Enhancement of direct methanol fuel cell performance with nafion proton exchange membrane optimally exposed to ultraviolet rays
Arjun Sunil Rao,
Dr. D V Manjunatha
Dr. Praveen Jayappa, Dr. Richard Pinto
Smart shockwave velocity measurement system based on P(VDF-TrFE) piezosensors and arduino
Arjun Sunil Rao, Dr. Richard Pinto
A process for enhancing hydrogen fuel cells performance with nafion proton exchange membrane optimally exposed to ultraviolet rays
Dr. Richard Pinto
A Process of Synthesizing Novel Methyl Substituted Chalcone Molecules-The Potential Cancer Inhibitors
Dr. Richard Pinto
Paper Publication Details
Sl. No.
Assessment Year
Number of National/International Journals
Number of National/International Conferences
Advanced C Programming
MAT Lab & Simulink
PCB Beginner's Course
Software Testing
LTE (4G mobile communications standard)
Certification Program on HAM (AMATEUR) RADIO
This workshop on “HAM Amateur Radio” was held for 130 students of Electronics and Communication Engineering department from 18-11-2019 to 20-12-2019. Ham (Amateur) Radio is a scientific hobby, adventurous sport & second line of Communication when all other means of communication fails. This workshop was conducted by Dr. S. Sathyapal , Director of Indian Institute of HAMs, Karnataka Chapter. MOU was signed between Indian institute of HAM and AIET.
Advanced C Programming
Certificate course on advanced c programming
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized Five days “Certificate course on Advanced C programming” for V semester ECE students from 17th September 2018 to 21st September 2018 by Innovations, Bangalore.
The course carried for five days which included Data types, File handling, Dynamic Memory Allocation and recent year question of TCS code vita.
MAT Lab & Simulink
Certificate course on MAT Lab & Simulink
Department of Electronics and Comminication Engineering organized Five days “Certificate course on MAT Lab & Simulink” for VII semester Electronics and communication Engineering students from 9th October 2017 to 13th October 2017 from Unique Global Organization, Bangalore.
PCB Beginner's Course
Certificate Course on PCB Beginner’s Course
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and OSCKI Labs Bangalore organized a Certificate course on “PCB Beginner’s” for interested students from different semesters of Electronics and communication engineering from 15th September 2017 to 12th October 2017. In the course students were trained using the Ki-Cad software. During the workshop, students learnt to design their own circuit. Best designs were selected and opportunity was given to few of the student’s to etch their circuits.
Software Testing
Certificate course on Software Testing
Department of Electronics and Comminication Engineering organized Five days “Certificate course on Software Testing” for VI semester Electronics and communication Engineering students from 1st Feb 2016 to 6th Feb 2016 from Uniqval Software solution, Bangalore.
LTE (4G mobile communications standard)
Certificate course on LTE
Department of Electronics and Comminication Engineering organized Seven days “Certificate course on LTE [4G mobile communications standard]” for VIII semester Electronics and communication Engineering students from 12th Sep 2015 to 30th Jan 2016 from NetGensoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.
Best learning environment to enable the students to face the challenges of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
The department is accredited by NBA, New Delhi
The Department has published 6 patents
The department has 4 Doctorates and 4, who are currently pursuing Ph.D.
The department has more than 12 MOU’s with Premier organizations.
Internship -The students are encouraged to pursue internship program through MOU’s/Academic collaborations. The students have successfully completed their internships in premier organizations viz. ISRO, SCL, IISC, BEL, RRSC, NARL, NRSC, IIIT Allahabad, DIAT Pune, DRDO, Bosch, ABB etc
95% placements in the academic year 2019.
Organizing National & International conferences/ workshop on a regular basis.
90+ research publicationsin referred journals/conferences.
Funding of Rs. 1 Crore from KCTU.
19 faculty members with more than 12 years of teaching experience.
The department has IETE-ISF forum under which various technical programs are conducted.
The students are encouraged to take online courses offered by NPTEL- MOOCS and also to take part in technical events organized by premier organizations.
Centre of Excellence to Empower the young minds in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering with research focus and skill development through Transformative Education catering to the needs of the Society.
To create Learning Environment to enable the Students for Excellence in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
To Empower the Students with necessary Skills for Solving the Complex Technological Problems.
To Inculcate Research Culture among Teaching-Learning Group by guiding them towards Research Activities to bridge the gap between Industry and Academia.
By Imbibing the Students with Human Values and Ethics through Transformative Education and make them Socially Responsible Professionals.
3.Technical Talk on Innovative Developments in MEMS Gas Sensors
4. Technical Talk on Idea To Startup
5.Technical talk on Staff Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design
VLSI EDA Tools and its Applications
Date: Saturday, June 6, 2021 @ 10 AM
Resource person: Mr. Lijo Jose, Product Application Engineer, Synopsys, Bengaluru.
Audience: Sixth and Eighth Semester Students of ECE and faculty members.
Control System Engg. & it’s Applications
Date: 12th June 2021 by 9.30 AM
Resource person: Dr. Pradeep kumar, Professor and Head, Dept. of ECE, SEACET, Bengaluru.
Audience: Fourth Semester Students of ECE and Staff members.
SPI and its applications in embedded systems
Department of ECE, conducted third technical talk on ‘SPI AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS’ to the staff, students of sixth, and eight semester – ECE on online Cisco Webex platform date 26th June, 2021. Talk was delivered by our proud Alumni Mr. Chethak, R. Software Engineer, Advanced Rail Controls Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Knowing more about Microcontrollers
Department of ECE, has conducted fourth technical talk of the year 2021 on a topic ‘KNOWING MORE ABOUT MICROCONTROLLERS’. The students of Fourth and Sixth Semester – ECE were the audience through online Cisco Webex platform on 10th July, 2021. Talk was delivered by DR. K A RADHAKRISHNA RAO Professor, Dept. of ECE, PES College of Engineering, Mandya.
Indian Power System Operations & Brief overview on SAP
The Department of ECE, AIET conducted a technical talk on “Indian Power System Operations & Brief overview on SAP (Systems Applications Products)” for the students of fifth semester in Engineering Seminar Hall on 29th February, 2020 by Mr. Ananth M, Senior Consultant, Wipro, Bangalore.
Leveraging Open Source Opportunities to Build a Successful Career
The Department of ECE organized the technical talk on 17th August 2019 for the students of fifth semester. The topic was “Leveraging Open Source Opportunities to Build a Successful Career” which was delivered by Dr. Mohith P. Tahiliani, Asso. Professor, Dept. of CSE, NITK Suratkal.
Electronics in Automotive Engine Systems
The Department of ECE organized the technical talk on 31st August 2019 for the students of fifth and seventh semester on the topic – “Electronics in Automotive Engine Systems. Mr.Rakshith C S, Senior Software Engineer, Continental Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore was the facilitator.
Embedded Systems in Defense and Aerospace Sector
The Department of ECE organized the technical talk on 6th September 2019 for the students of seventh semester on the topic – Embedded Systems in Defense and Aerospace Sector and the talk was delivered by Mrs. Ashwini Srinivas, Park Controls and Communications, Bangalore.
Exposing the web security vulnerabilities
The Department of ECE organized the technical talk on 13th September 2019 for the students of fifth semester on the topic – Exposing the web security vulnerabilities and the talk was delivered by Mr. Narayan Iyer, an independent consultant & trainer on Computer Security.
Journey of a Chip – An overview on ASIC design flow
The Department of ECE organized the technical talk on 5th October 2019 for the students of fifth and third semester on the topic – Journey of a Chip – An overview on ASIC design flow and the talk was delivered by Mr. Ajay G, SoC Design and Methodology Engineer, Intel Technologies, Bangalore.
1. Technical talk on Semiconductor Industry Overview
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on “Semiconductor Industry Overview” for the students of sixth semester on 29th April 2019 by Mr.Syed Salman, Lead Engineer, Sankalp Semi-conductor Pvt. Ltd., Hubli.
2. Technical talk on “Network Protocol in Industry”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 23rd April 2019 which was delivered by Mr. Santhosh Kumar S B. He delivered a talk on the topic “Concept of Network Protocol in Industry”.
3. Technical talk on “System on Chip”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on the topic “System on Chip” for the final year students on 25th March 2019 by Mr. Asif Mohammed, Director, Smart SOC Bangalore.
He discussed on the challenges of complex designs, time to market and huge investments involved in VLSI industry. He briefed about Front End Design process and the trends in VLSI industry.
4. Technical talk on “ASIC and FPGA implementation in Semiconductor Industry”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on “ASIC and FPGA implementation in Semiconductor Industry” for the students of fifth and seventh semester on 28thFebruary 2019 by Mr.Arun J Mathias, Manager- Training CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore. The talk began with briefing the introduction and need for Application Specific IC and Field Programmable Gate Array in semiconductor industry.
5. Technical talk on “Emerging trends in Electronics and Communication for better tomorrow”
Prof. C Murali delivered a technical talk on ‘Emerging trends in Electronics and Communication for better tomorrow’ after the inaugural ceremony of IETE student forum.
6. Technical talk on “Internet of Things(IoT) and Introduction to Deep Learning”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on the topic “Internet of Things(IoT) and Introduction to Deep Learning” for the students of fourth and sixth semester on 9th Feb 2019 by Amogh Kashyap, R&D Engineer, Nokia, Bangalore.
7. Technical talk on “Fabrication of Photovoltaic cell – A detailed approach”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on “Fabrication of Photovoltaic cell – A detailed approach” for the students of fifth and seventh semester on 3rd November 2018 by Mr.Nizam Subhani, Technologist, IISc, Bangalore.
8. Technical talk on “A peep in the world of semiconductor fabrication”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on “A peep in the world of semiconductor fabrication” for the students of fifth and seventh semester on 3rd November 2018 by Mr.Shreyas Bhat, Technologist, IISc , Bangalore.
9. Technical talk on “Recent Trends and Evolution in Mobile Communication”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on “RECEnt Trends and Evolution in Mobile Communication” for the students of fifth semester on 6th October 2018 by Mr. Prasad Dandra, Associate Director, Samsung Semiconductor India R&D, Bangalore.
10. Technical talk on “Advanced Digital Communications –Techniques and Applications”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on the topic “Advanced Digital Communications –Techniques and Applications” on Sep 22nd 2018 by Mr. T R Ramamohan, Additional General Manager(Retd.), Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore.
11. Technical talk on “Applied Electromagnetism and Modern Antenna Design”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 11th September 2018 which was delivered by Dr. Krishnamoorthy K, Asst Prof., Dept. of ECE, NITK Suratkal on the topic “Applied Electromagnetism and Modern Antenna Design”. The formal inaugural function was graced by the presence of Dr. Richard Pinto.
12. Technical talk on “Wireless Communication towards 5G”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 11th August 2018 by Dr. Muralidhar Kulkarni, Professor, Dept. of ECE, NITK Suratkal on the topic “Wireless Communication towards 5G” for the students of third and fifth semester.
1. Technical talk on “Overview on Communication Systems and Introduction to IETE Student Chapter”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on “Overview on Communication Systems and Introduction to IETE Student Chapter” for the students of fourth and sixth semester on 11th April 2018 by Prof. H S Bhatia., Hon. Secretary, IETE Bangalore.
2. Technical talk on “Advancement in RF and microwave test and measurement”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 9th March 2018 which was delivered by Mr. Nikhil Mitaliya, Application Engineer, Tektronics Bengaluru on the topic “Advancement in RF and microwave test and measurement”. Mr. Mitaliya has more than 8 Years of experience in Testing.
3. Technical talk on “Optical Networks and its Applications”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 3rd March 2018 by Dr. Muralidhar Kulkarni, Professor, Dept. of ECE, NITK Suratkal on the topic “Optical Networks and its Applications” for the students of sixth semester.
4. Technical talk on “Statistical Signal Processing”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 17th February 2018 delivered by Dr. H V Kumaraswamy Professor, RVCE, Bengaluru. The talk was on the topic “Statistical Signal Processing” for the students of sixth semester ECE.
5. Technical talk on “RF Design and Planning”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 17th February 2018 by Dr. Sudheendra K R, Associate Professor, BMSCE Bangalore. The topic was about “RF Design and Planning” for the students of fourth semester ECE, included the designing of RF circuits used in networks, related to wireless and mobile communications.
6. Technical talk on “Applications of DSP in embedded system”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 10th November 2017 was delivered by Dr. U.C. Niranjan Adjunct. Professor, M I T Manipal, on the topic “Applications of DSP in embedded system” . Different applications of signal processing in embedded systems designed for medical imaging, computer graphics, home theatre and telecommunications etc. are highlighted in the talk by the resource person.
7. Technical talk on “Introduction to image and video compression”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 13th October 2017 was delivered by Dr. Aparna P , Professor, N.I.T.K.Suratkal on the topic “Introduction to image and video compression”. Two major catogeries namely lossless and lossy compression were discussed.
8. Technical talk on “Multimodal Biometrics”
Security is becoming a most important requirement of present day life and developing computer aided person recognition system is of increasing demand . Related to this ,technical talk was conducted on 12nd October 2017 by Dr. K. A. Radhakrishna Rao, Professor and Head, Dept. of ECE, P.E.S.C.E. Mandya on the topic “Multimodal Biometrics”. Important issues of Biometric processing, role of Biometrics in recognition and identification , developing and commercializing software for biometric system with 100% accuracy were discussed.
9. Technical talk on “Applications of Engineering Electromagnetics”
The department of ECE organized a technical talk on 22nd September 2017 which was delivered by Dr. U.B. Mahadevaswamy, Professor, S.J.C.E. Mysore on the topic “Applications of Engineering Electromagnetics”. This talk was mainly on making 3rd Semester students confident in the subject Engg. Electromagnetics which is considered as difficult subject by most of the students. Talk was well organized and presented in simplest way from the basic concepts of charge and fundamental laws of Electromagnetics.
10. Technical talk on “Speech Processing and Applications”
Forum EVIONICS under Department of ECE conducted the technical talk of the on 24th August, 2017 delivered by Dr. Shashidhar Koolgudi, Asst. Professor, NITK Suratkal on the topic “Speech Processing and Applications”. Talk was arranged for 5th semester students with main focus of exposing the students to various domains such as speech recognition, speech coding and speech synthesis.
The Department is well equipped with hardware as well as Software facilities. It has latest tools such as Comsol, CoventorWare ,Cadence VLSI Design Suite, Xilinx Vivado-2018, MATLAB 2018, ARM CORTEX Keil µVision3 , ARM CORTEX Keil LPC1768, Multisim to make students Industry ready.
All the labs are LAN connected with licensed software packages related to latest global techniques. 400 Mbps of BSNL 1:1 Leased line internet with Wi-Fi facility is provided so that the students can develop and sharpen their technical skills. Students have opportunities of working on live projects received from reputed national and international companies.
The department has following labs with latest software and configurations:
Digital System Design Lab
The motive of this lab is to make students learn how to analyze and design digital circuits. A coordinated laboratory forms an integral part of this course to provide verification of the theoretical design and analysis of the digital circuits. Students are also made aware of the capabilities and limitations of simulation through the use of the PSpice simulator, Orcad and Proteus VSM 6.0.
Communication Systems Lab:
Communication lab is the leading and emerging subject to provide practical quality and reliable education to students which includes practical’s related to digital communication, analog communication, fiber optics, telecommunications etc.
Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab:
These two form the heart of any processing device as computer, mobile phones, PDA etc. The lab is intended to make the students learn the architecture, programming and interfacing of these devices. The lab lays down a strong foundation on which the students develop the projects. We have a XELTEK universal programmer to program the ICs.
VLSI lab allows the theoretical concepts studied as part of subjects CMOS VLSI Design, Microelectronics Circuits and HDL, to experience in practical with the help of Cadence tool framework.
Power Electronics Lab:
Power electronics is interdisciplinary in nature & is used in a variety of industries. To make students familiar with the various devices used in the industry, this lab is of great help. The lab provides opportunity to explore the characteristics of various devices and learn their use in sophisticated devices.
The Electrical Lab:
The Electrical Lab is well equipped and cater the needs of students according to the syllabus. Electrical Technology focuses on the understanding and the application of electrical and electronic principles and the technological processes, inherent in the production of products, services and systems in order to improve the quality of life. The Electrical & Electronics engineering is a very broad field, ranging from all aspects of information processing, power production and power distribution.
Envision Lab
e-Yantra Lab
Envision Lab
About the lab
A research and prototyping lab setup in the campus of AIET in the end of 2016 by the team of Oscki Labs. The lab was setup with the help of students and follows the open learning culture. Now the lab is run independently and providing a platform for product development and manufacturing in the domain of electronics and robotics. The lab is equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment. The lab houses an industrial grade 3D printer and PCB manufacturing setup for aiding the in house prototyping.
Imparting valuable practical knowledge on how things work to promote a community research culture.
Giving students various entries into different fields of research to enhance their thought process.
Making students involved in activities to boost their presentation and communication skills.
Providing internship opportunities to get exposure to industrial aspects.
Understanding the process flow of ideas to prototyping.
Major Projects
Some of the major projects carried out in this lab are Zone Based Vehicle Control, Smart Iron Box, KidZ, Micro weather station
Major internship and workshops
Important and major workshops and internships carried out in this lab are
Workshop on Fundamentals of Embedded systems and sensor interfacing
Fundamentals of PCB designing and development
IoT Internship and product development
e-Yantra Lab
This Laboratory is well equipped for challenging Robotics design and validation. This lab is sponsored by MHRD under the National Mission on Education through ICT program. It is an initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded system engineers with an outlook to provide practical solutions to the real world applications.
e-Yantra Robotics Competition(eYRC)
e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC) is a unique annual competition under e-Yantra for UG students in science and engineering colleges. The selected teams are given a complete robotic kit with accessories and video tutorials to help them learn basic concepts in embedded systems and microcontroller programming. The abstracts of real world problems are assigned as "themes" which are then implemented by the teams using these kits. The winners of this competition will get a cash prize and offered summer internship at IITB through e-Yantra Summer Internship Program. AIET has always encouraged its students to take part in e-yantra robotics competition.
e-YRC 2017 Competition
In the sixth edition of National-level e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC-2017) held at IIT Bombay from March 22 to 24 the “Feeder Weeder robot” project carried out by the final year ECE students listed below got selected for the competition and cleared all the rounds bagged second prize.
Guided by
Arun Kumar
Feeder Weeder Robot
Mr. Santhosh S.
Rohan Sonal Dsouza
e-YRC 2018 Competition
In the Seventh edition of National-level e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC-2018) the students listed below have got a theme of Home coming project and was successfully completed.
Guided by
Patel Davis Shashikant
Home Coming
Mr. Santhosh S
Chesmi B R
Karthik J
Anju Thomas
In the Seventh edition of National-level e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC-2018) the students listed below have got a theme of Nutty Squirrel project and was successfully completed.
Guided by
Ms. Sangeetha S V
Nutty Squirrel
Mr. Santhosh S
Mr. Sangamesh Kajagar
Mr. Samrath Jain N
Ms. Shilpa N
e-Yantra Robotics Competition - 2019-20 Implementation Analysis: Patrol Fish
Karthik J Ravish B C
PrajwalKamagethi SohanPoojary
Patrol Fish
The above students have tried to build a bio-inspired fish robot that is capable of traversing in water to collect data about a water-body's health and transmit it to a buoy(ongoing).
Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS)
MEMS is a process technology used to create timing integrated devices or systems that combine mechanical and electrical components. They are fabricated using integrated circuits(IC) batch processing techniques and can range in size from a few micrometers to millimeters. Extensive applications for these devices exist in both commercial and industrial systems. MEMS Lab at AIET is well-equipped for modeling and simulation of interdisciplinary projects. the lab is equipped with the following tools in addition to 20 high end computing systems with Xeon processors included.
COMSOL Multiphysics simulation tool
CoventorWare virtual fabrication tool
Inauguration of MEMS LAB was done on 26.11.2016 by the well know personalities Padmavibhushana Dr. Vasudev K Aatre (Former DG-DRDO & Scientific Advisor, Defence Ministry of India),Dr. Prakash D Mangalgiri (Group Director ADA Bangalore), Dr. M Mohan Alva(Chairmen), Sri Vivek Alva (Managing Trustee), Dr. Peter Fernandies (Principal), Dr. D V Manjunatha (HOD, Dept of ECE.) & Dr. Praveen J (Dean Academics)
In order to resolve day to day academic problems of the students, mentors are appointed for a batch of 20, and they will counsel the respective wards once in a week, to solve the problems come across during their course of study. This is a continuous process in the department of ECE.
The student’s strengths and weaknesses are identified by the mentor and trained in the right direction to overcome weaknesses and further strengthen the positive attributes to groom her /him into a complete individual for future endeavors. This is consciously done with a specific aim to prepare the student to face challenges in this competitive world and to achieve personal and professional goals through placement.
Following are the functions of a mentor
Sl. No.
Type of mentoring system
Academic guidance
Share information of academic planners, academic schedules and e-learning resources.
Identify students with poor attendance and ensure that they improve their attendance by getting counselled in the presence of mentor, counsellor and HOD
Focus on academically weak students, by providing them with additional reading materials, model questions along with solutions and special make-up classes.
All – round development
Encourage and support students towards all round development through participation in literary, cultural and sports activities which helps to develop leadership qualities, decision making abilities, team spirit, socio-psychological awareness, and shapes the student into an intellectually integrated person.
Personal development
Empower and enable inner adjustments by individual students to counter and cope with physical, emotional, mental, social and environmental challenges through student-counsellor interaction/ through meditation workshops/ through other specialized workshops / activities.
Engage in family /peer counselling by Counsellor/ Mentor /HOD to strengthen student’s interpersonal relationships thereby improving their grades.
Parent meetings will be conducted regularly for bringing parents into the student mentoring system as key stake-holders.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology formally inaugurated the ‘IETE – The...
The results of ECE department are exceptionally increasing over the years. The department is proud to share the outstanding achievement of our students by securing 100% results with all FCD’s in the year 2020-21.
NPTELToppersParticipation in inter-institute events by studentsPaper Published
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Department of ECE students are actively involved in NPTEL Online Certification Courses and Exams. Students are encouraged to take up at least 1 NPTEL course per semester in order to update their knowledge. Year by year more number of students are involved in these Online Courses. Our students have taken courses like Signals and Systems, Control Systems, Electronic Devices/Solid state devices, Communications, VLSI design, Electromagnetics, Network Analysis/Circuit Analysis, Analog Circuits etc. The department is proud to add feathers to its achievement by sharing few certificates of the NPTEL exam.
Project proposal entitled ”Li-Fi Based Indoor Navigation System for physically impaired people”
27 March 2017
Sanctioned Fund for the project
Sl. No.
Name of the students and USN
Title of the Paper Published
Details of
Journal/Conference published
Dr. D V Manjunatha
A Progress Review on Performance Improvement of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Using Modified Nafion Membrane
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSC), ISSN: 2321-2705, Vol-6, Issue-4
Challa Meghana
Rashmi Rao
Dr. Praveen J
Design and implementation of enhanced LECTOR technique for low power consumption in CMOS VLSI circuit: A review
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol-2, Issue-1
Rakshitha Rao
Chaithanya S P
Dr. Shankar B B
Review on overlapping acoustic event classification
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol-5, Issue-2
Haripriya R
Preethika J
Likhitha P
Varshitha P J
Mr. Sudhakar
Three in one smart agricultural device using arduino
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), ISSN(Online):2278-8875, Vol-8, Issue-4
Sharanamma R
Maha Lakshmi
Mr. Parveez Shariff
Review on Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education(IJARIIE), ISSN:2395-4396, Volume-5, Issue-2
Akash Neelnayak
Megha A Kadadavar
Manjula P
Mrs. Sahana K A
Review paper on Solar Panel in Periodic Flow Control
International Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences & Intendence (IJAESI)
Harshitha M S
Mr. Santhosh S
Smart Medicine Reminder with Smart Watch Using Arduino Nano
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), ISSN: 2321-2705, Volume:6, Issue-4
Shefali Shetty
Teena lobo
Poonam M
Mr. Santhosh S
Review paper on estimation of durability of rice crops using sensors
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-2
Pooja M
Pavithra G
Akshata Shinde
Mrs. Vijetha T S
Review on High Security Digital Data Steganography for Secret Communication
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-3
Anjali H R
Deepika N Karanth
Gouthami K
Mr. Yuvaraj T
Review Paper on Water Monitoring and Leakage Detection
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), ISSN: 2321-2705, Volume:6, Issue-3
Priya Suresh
Sneha G N
Mr. Aneesh Jain
Review paper on analysis of antenna impedance and radiation pattern for a mono-conical antenna using MEMS
International Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences & Intendence, Volume:5, Issue-6
Sumanth M S
Pradeep Kumar
Pavan Kumar T J
Mr. Aneesh Jain
Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator at Terahertz Frequency domain: A Brief Review
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), ISSN(Online): 2278-8875, Volume:8, Issue-4
Pavan Rao
Bhagya B V
Rupesh N
Mrs. Shruthi Kumari
A Review: Ultrasonic Imaging Based Fetal Cardiac Chambers Segmentation
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), ISSN: 2321-2705, Volume:6, Issue-4
Priyanka H
Joel Crasta B
Mr. Deepak Raj
Special Purpose Machine to Improve Eye-Hand Coordination for Special Children
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-3
Mayur Shikhare
Monisha P
Aishwarya Nagaraj
Bindu M D
Mr. Sushanth Lobo
Health Monitoring and Tracking System for Soldiers Using Internet of Things (IOT)
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-3
Bindu P
Jeevitha K
Divyashree A K
Akshata Patil
Mr. Sachin K
Face Detection and Recognition for Smart Attendance System using Raspberry Pi
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-2
Dheeraj shetty
Ganesh arasikere
Mrs. Tanya Mendez
Review Paper on Design and Implementation of Kogge-Stone Adder Using Cadence Virtuoso
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS), ISSN: 2278-2540, Volume-8, Issue-6
Harshitha D
Lakshmi Narsimha
Karotiya Rishabh
Pooja P
Mr. Prasanna Kumar
Review Paper on Agricultural Drought and crop failure data acquisition and transmission system based on IOT
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSN: 2395-0072, Volume-6, Issue-5
Vinay B
Vinya Nagesh
Mrs. Nishma
Review Paper on Smart Dustbin: The Waste Segregation and Alert System
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-2
Sushmitha S
Thritha A L
Rohan R
Mrs. Jyothi Pramal
Review Paper on Touch Screen based Advanced Menu Display and food ordering system for restaurants
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-2
Anusha K
Dinesh Ambiga
Keerthan I k
Shivaraj S
Mr. Deepak Raj
Pixel based classification of multispectral remotely sensed Data using Decision Tree Classifier
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume:5, Issue-2
Suresh Mallikarjun
The 2nd year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering visited ACE Components & Electronics PVT LTD Mysore on 28/2/2020. During this industry visit the students are exposed to the fabrication of electronic components.
The students of Electronics and Communication Engineering visited TVS Motor Company, Mysore on 29/2/2020. TVS Motor Company is the third-largest two-wheeler manufacturers in India and one of the top ten in the world. Students were given a glimpse of the real workstations, plants, machines and systems. They Understood the end-to-end process at all levels in a manufacturing unit and the company policies in terms of production, quality, and service management.
The students of Electronics and Communication Engineering visited Kaynes Technology Pvt Ltd Mysore on 29/2/2020.
During the visit, students were given insight about
8 stage process of manufacturing the multilayer motherboard PCB’s with of computing systems.
Expose to schematic design, place and route, machine as well as manual soldering processes and various tests performed during the fabrication of PCB’s.
1. All India Radio
The 3RD year students of Electronic and Communication Engineering visited to All India Radio, Bangalore on 11.10.2018. Students learnt about Industrial organization, Antennas, Transmitter Complex Specifications.
The 3RD year students of Electronic and Communication Engineering visited IISC , Centre for Nano Science on 11.10.2018. Students learnt about various processes involved in the fabrication of integrated circuits, during the visit the students explored Nano fabrication facility and MEMS Characterizations.
3. Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL)
The 3RD year students of ECE visited BEL Bangalore on on 12.10.2018. Students learnt about PCB Development and Assembly, They also learnt about Radar Systems.
4. MCF Hassan
The 2nd year Students of ECE Visited MCF Hassan on 28.10.2018 . Studied how MCF Monitors and controls all the Geostationary / Geosynchronous satellites of ISRO, namely, INSAT, GSAT, Kalpana and IRNSS series of satellites.
1. Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL)
The 3RD year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering visited BEL Bangalore on 17.10.2017. Students learnt about PCB Development and Assembly, They also learnt about Radar Systems.
2. Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)
The 3RD year students of Electronic and Communication Engineering visited CPRI, Bangalore on 16.10.2017. Students visited Testing and Certification centre for Power Equipment. They learnt about Impulse Generator testing and other high voltage devices in the high voltage division of CPRI.
The 3RD year students of Electronic and Communication Engineering visited IISC, Centre for Nano Science on 17.10.2017. Students learnt about nano fabrication facility and MEMS Characterizations.
FDP on Google Classroom
The two day FDP on Google Classroom was inaugurated on the 25th of Jan 2020 by Mr. Himanshu Rangadhol, Researcher, Envision Lab and Dr. D.V. Manjunatha, HOD, Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The session started with an introduction to Google classroom and also gave information about the uses and the advantages of it.
Mr. Himanshu taught how to:
Identify Classroom’s basic and advanced components.
Share assignments with students and keep them on task.
Share links, various forms of media, PDF files, and videos with students.
Give students timely feedback in order to impact learning.
Mr. Himanshu also focussed on Google Drive, Docs, and collaboration. He stated that it was essential to be familiar with these features in order to utilize Google Classroom. There were 22 participants who attended the Faculty Development Program across AIET from various departments.
The outcome of this FDP is that the participants have got a greater insight and practical knowledge of how to use Google classroom for being able to better track a student’s progress in terms of assignment and resource sharing
FDP on Introduction to Robotics
The two day Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Robotics” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with Eyantra Robotics Lab, IIT Bombay commenced on June 11th, 2019 at AIET.
The FDP was conducted by e-Yantra project team, IIT Bombay comprising of Dr. Kavi Arya Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Dept. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Ms. Rutuja and Mr. Prasad.
Following the inauguration, the FDP proceeded to hands on training session. Teams of participants from each institute were provided a robotic kit, Firebird V, and accessories, for hands on.
The training covered the following topics
Firebird V robot
AVR microcontroller and programming
Motion control using I/O ports
Robot velocity control using pulse width modulation
Sensor interfacing & interrupt programming
Closed loop position control of the robot using position encoders
The FDP was concluded with hands-on zig-zag line following robot, obstacles avoiding navigation etc
The FDP concluded with the valedictory function which was presided by Sri. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Alva’s Education Foundation on the 12th of June, 2019.
FDP On Applications of Python programming in Data analytics – Research Perspective
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized Five days “Faculty Develop Program on Applications of Python programming in Data analytics – Research Perspective” from 22nd January 2019 to 26th January 2019 by Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha Dept of CSE AIET, Moodbidri.
The course carried for 5 days included Basic programming constructs in Python– Exercises, Advanced programming constructs in Python and Exercises.
LaTeX and research methodologies
The 3 day national level workshop on LaTeX and research methodologies witnessed participants from various institutions along with the faculties of AIET, who are pursuing their research and who are willing to pursue research. The inauguration session was followed by a motivational talk by Dr.Srinivas Pai, the chief guest and the resource person for day 1.
He highlighted the prominence of Research, the objectives and principles, motives and the characteristics of scientific research. The session continued with an overview of Identifying research topic and problems, literature survey, data analysis. Day 2 was a hands-on session on LaTeX for documentation. The resource person for day 3 was Dr.Shashidhar Koolgudi. He gave a detailed explanation on statistical inference.
Fundamental of PCB DESIGNING
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Envision Lab organized a workshop on “PCB Designing” for interested students from different semesters of Electronics and communication engineering from 4th to 5th October 2019. In the course, students were trained using the Ki-Cad software. During the workshop, students learned to design their own circuit. Best designs were selected and the opportunity was given to a few of the students to etch their circuits.
Technical Aspects in Electronics and Communication Engineering
SDP on “Technical Aspects in Electronics and Communication Engineering” was organized by the Department of ECE AIET. Prof. Pradeep Kumar the resource person briefed students about electronics labs and fundamental aspects of ECE. SDP was conducted from 31st July 2018 to 4th August 2018. 96 students from the 3rd semester ECE Dept attended the SDP.
Machine Learning with Hands-on session
The department organized three days workshop cum certification course on “Machine Learning with Hands-on session” from 10th September 2018 to 12th September 2018 which was delivered by Dr.Thyagraju G.S.
In three days session, he spoke about Machine learning concepts and explained how it is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence. This workshop covered the basic algorithm with hands-on sessions that help students to build and apply prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications, basics and the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning
Student Develop Program on Python programming
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized three days “Student Develop Program on Python programming” for III-A semester Electronics and Communication Engineering students from 24th October 2018 to 26th October 2018 from a faculty Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha Dept of CSE AIET, Moodbidri
The course carried for 3 days included Data types, Keywords variables, Operators, Control Statements, Loops, Array handling, String handling, Pointers, Structures and Unions, File handling, Dynamic Memory Allocation and recent TCS code vita test questions.
Training on Comsol tool
Training on Cadence tool
Review papers
Mini Projects
1) Resume Writing and Virtual Interview.
Two online sessions were organized on 15th September 2020 for final year students regarding resume building and how to attend virtual interview. This online session was handled by Mr. Ramni Venkat. He highlighted that after Covid-19 pandemic mode of hiring will be Virtual and how to prepare in online mode and discussed dos and don’ts.
2) Data Structures and its Applications using C:
Four days training was conducted on Data Structures and its Applications using C language for final year students in Boot camp from 16th September 2020 to 19th September 2020 from 09.30 AM to 05.00 PM. Session was started by Mrs. Jaishma Kumari. The training started with introduction to Data Structures and basic concepts of arrays. Mrs. Merlyn continued the session with the concepts of Pointers and Structures.
Mr. Venkatesh trained on how to write the recursive procedures for a given problem and it was compared with iterative solution. The training was continued with different types of data structures and its applications. He also explained about the implementations of some applications on linked list, trees, stacks and queues. Mrs. Merlyn Melita Mathias explained the implementations of various operations of stacks, queues, pointers and structures. Students implemented these operations in C language. Jaishma Kumari explained about how to create the linked list, and implementation of its basic operations.
3) Programming with C and Data Structures with C:
Q-Spider Training Software Institute, Bangalore in association with Department of ECE has conducted a Thirteen days hands-on training on hidden tricks on C Programming Language and Data Structures with C from 21st September 2020 to 5th October 2020.
4) Developing Logics through Advanced data structures using Python:
Ten days of training on Developing Logics through advanced data structures using Python was conducted for final years. Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha Professor/ CSE department was the resource person for the event.
Pre-placement training for final year students commenced on July 10th, 2019 which focused on current industry concepts as well as the overall development of candidates in order to prepare for various placement drives.
1) Data Structures with C and Java Training by Q-Spiders
Q-Spider Training Software Institute, Bangalore in association with the Department of ECE conducted 18 days hand-on training on Data Structures with C and Java Programming during the weekends of April/May and continuously from 10th July-17th July 2019. Mr. Vishal Vanaki and Ms. Arpitha were the trainers who taught Data Structures with C as well as Java Programming using hands-on sessions.
2) Basic Electronic Fundamentals
Two days training on Basic Electronic Fundamentals was conducted by Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, SEA College of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore on 18th and 19th of July, 2019. The main objective of the training was to strengthen the fundamental knowledge of the students.
3) MEMS Training by Alumni
Shreyas Bhat and Nizam, IISc. Bangalore who are also alumni of AIET conducted a training on MEMS on the 20th of July, 2018. They discussed about the evolution of MEMS, the miniaturization of devices and the basic building blocks of MEMS.
4) Focus Academy for Career Enhancements(FACE) Aptitude Training
Face aptitude training, which was held from 22nd July 2019 to 25th July 2019, helped the students to understand the aptitude topics such as profit & loss, mixtures & allegations, partnerships, number systems, percentage, permutation and combination, probability, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, direction problems, questions related to blood relations.
5) Internet of Things (IoT)
The training about Internet of Things was conducted on July 26th, 2019. The resource persons present were Mohit P Tahiliani, Assistant Professor, NITK, Surathkal and Vishal Rathod, (Ph. D), NITK, Surathkal. The students were trained to perform network simulations using the Cooja simulator by Contiki.
6) Delithe Github Training
The training about Delithe GitHub was conducted on July 27th, 2019. The resource person presiding was Mr. Adarsh, Delithe GitHub, Bengaluru. He instructed the students about the process of installing the GitHub software and creating a GitHub account.
7) DSP Audio and Image Processing
The pre-placement training on DSP audio processing using MATLAB by Mr. Parveez Shariff, Assistant Professor, AIET and Mr. Yuvaraj T, Assistant Professor, AIET was conducted on July 28th, 2019. During the session, an overview of the Signal, Audio and Image processing was discussed.
8) VLSI Design
The training about VLSI Design was conducted on July 29th, 2019 by Mrs. Tanya Mendez, Assistant Professor, AIET. She briefed the students about the basics of VLSI and the current technology used by leading companies for designing.
9) Computer Networking Session
Data Communication and Computer Network have changed the way business and other daily affair works. The final year students were guided on the same by Mr. Gautam Kamath on the 5th and 6th of August, 2019. He also discussed about Cloud Computing, Hyper Turning Technology, Turbo Based Technology, Smart Cash Technology, Virtualization, Ping and Standalone environment.
10) Group Discussion Training
The students were trained on how to attend group discussion sessions by Mrs. Renukiran on 7th August 2019. The topics discussed included hard work versus smart work, 5 years of Modi government etc.
11) Resume Writing
The final year students were guided on how to write a resume by Mr. Shubham on 7th August 2019. He made sure all the students were involved by conducting games and different activities, which in turn made them, realize how skillfully the resumes could be built in an efficient, standard and professional way.
12) Cadence, Tessolve Company Specific Training
The final year students who were eligible to attend Tessolve and Cadence were guided by Mr. Rahul, an alumnus of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology on the 8th of August, 2019 from 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. His session was completely based on how to crack placements of Cadence and Tessolve.
13) TCS Company Specific Training
Mr. Mayur, alumni of AIET, Department of ECE conducted a 3 hour session on the 8th of August, 2019 for the students to be familiar with the pattern of questions that would appear for TCS code vita.
14) Professional Ethics Session
The pre-placement training about Professional Ethics was conducted on August 8th, 2019 by Mr. Deepak Raj, Assistant Professor, AIET. The main agenda of this session was to make the students aware of the rules and etiquette that has to be followed by them in various situations of the corporate world.
15) Network Analysis Brush up Course
A brush-up course on Network Analysis was conducted by Mr. Deepak Raj, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE on the 11th of August 2019 from 9:30 a.m to 1:00 p.m. Few short cuts on how to write the KVL equations directly from the circuit and vice versa were solved.
16) Digital Image Processing Session
Digital image processing is one of the key factors in the area of machine learning, which is the present trend of the industry. Taking this into account, ECE final year students had two days of workshop on ’Digital Image Processing’ and ‘Basics of Python’ on the 17th and 18th of August 2019. The session was handled by Dr. Shyamlal Raj, Assistant Professor, NITK.
17) TCS Company Specific Aptitude Training by FACE
The objective of TCS National Qualifier Test(TNQT) is to select the best talent in the country to fuel the growth plans of TCS with its business 4.0 strategy. To crack the TNQT, a TCS training program was conducted for the final year students of Electronics and Communication on 1st August 2019 by FACE, Coimbatore. The trainers were Mr.Sivaguru and Ms.Shanmathi Preetha.
18) Basic Fundamentals of Analog Electronics
Basic Electronic fundamentals of Analog Electronics was conducted by Mr. Sudhakara HM , Sr.Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, AIET, Mijar on August 11th. The main objective of this training is to strengthen the fundamental knowledge of students in Analog Electronics.
19) Personality Development and Public Speaking
Ms. Kannan Thandi trained students on Personality development and public speaking from 18 th July 2018 to 19th July 2018. She emphasized the need for being confident in public speaking which helps the students to face the interview.
Personality Development Training Session
Public Speaking Training Session
20) Digital Electronics and ITC Brush up Course
A brush-up course on Digital Electronics and Information Theory and Coding was done on 21st July from 9:00 to 1:00 pm. The session was handled by Mrs. Shruthi K. She started with number systems, Boolean Algebra, Digital Systems, the importance of digital signals over analog, communication models and later stressed on combinational and sequential circuits.
21) Blockchain Technology Training
Japan-based Emurgo had recently signed an MOU with Alva’s Education Foundation and as part of that, the students of the final year had a one-day session to educate them about blockchain technology and bitcoin. The concepts about the different types of blockchains were discussed. The session was interesting and interactive and the students were given a lot of information regarding how bitcoin came into existence and the value and importance of it.
Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement. Pre-placement training emphasized the following aspects:
1) Orientation & Soft-skills Training
Soft-Skills was held from 11th July to 13th July 2018. Mr. RamaniVenkat was the resource person for this program. The students were trained to write their resumes, and also how to face interviews, FAQ in an interview, mock GDs were conducted for all the Final Year students.
2) In-house Placement training
Topics covered: Basics of C, C++, Java, VLSI, Embedded Systems, Analog Electronics, Communication, Network Analysis and Digital Electronics. Faculties of the Computer Science Engineering Department conducted Pre-placement training on Basics of C, C++ and Java from 11th July 2018 to 17th July 2018.
3) Quantitative Aptitude
Mr. Abhilash trained students on various short cut methods that can be used to solve quantitative aptitude questions quickly from 14th July 2018 to 19th July 2018. Students got a better insight into solving aptitude problems easily. The trainer covered various aptitude related topics.
4) Personality Development and Public Speaking
Ms. Kannan Thandi trained students on Personality development and public speaking from 20th July 2018 to 21st July 2018. She emphasized the need for being confident in public speaking which helps the students to face the interview.
5) Advanced C & Data Structures
Students were trained on advanced concepts of c & data structures by “Expert Training by Innovation Unlimited, Bangalore” from 23rd July 2018 to 28th July 2018. Concepts on C such as arrays, strings, functions, pointers, memory allocations, etc. were covered.
6) Advanced Java, JQuery, Node JS, Angular JS
The training was taken up by “Charles Technovoice, Bangalore” from 29th July 2018 to 31st July 2018. Students were trained in various aspects of advanced Java.
7) FACE Training
Face aptitude training, which was held from 03rd Aug 2018 to 11th Aug 2018, helped the students to understand the aptitude topics such as number systems, percentage, perfect loss problems, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, probability, direction problems, questions related to blood relations, permutation and combination, simple equation.
8) Mock Interview
A mock interview was conducted for students of the final year on the 28th of July, 2018 with the help of Mr. Narahari, Project Manager and a team from Wipro, Bangalore. The Interview panel assessed the technical and communication competence of the students and gave them individually and group feedback on their performances.
Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement.
1) Orientation & Soft-skills Training
Pre-placement Orientation was held on 1st & 2nd August 2017. Mr. Ramani Venkat was the resource person for this orientation. Students were trained to write their resumes, and also how to face interviews, FAQ in the interview, mock GDs were conducted for all the Final Year students.
2) Aptitude Training
Genesis Carrier Avenue, Bangalore helped the students to understand aptitude topics such as number systems, percentage, perfect loss problems, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, probability, direction problems, questions related to blood relations, permutation and combination, simple equation. This training was conducted from 3rd to 12th August 2017.
3) C & Data Structures Training
The professional trainers of Cranes Software Pvt. Ltd. provided the training in C and Data structures for TEN days. The continuous hands-on training was held from 13th to 23rd August 2017. The entire training was held in the lab with hands-on sessions, helped students in coding developments and error detections.
4) Java training
Three days of Extensive java training was conducted for final year students by Rookies World, Bangalore. A hands-on session was provided for the students for a better understanding of concepts. This session was held from 9th to 11th September 2017.
For Pre-Final Year Students
1) C and C ++ Training
The training was conducted for three days, including 2 days for C language and one day of C++. This session was conducted on 26th, 27th and 28th August 2017 by Genesis Carrier Avenue, Bangalore.
2) Soft skill Training
Students were trained with soft skills for one day. They were given real-world examples of facing the interviews, also trained to face different rounds of interviews like group discussion, etc. This session was handled by Mr. Afthab, Genesis Carrier Avenue, Bangalore.
Name of the students
Project Title
Guide Name
Fabrication of ZnO and ZnIn2S4 Core-Shell Nanocomposite for Photoelctrochemical Energy Harvesting
Dr. Mrinmoy Mishra
Akshatha M Deshpande
Design and Implementation of Self Balancing MED-BOT
Mr. Santhosh S
Gagan M K
Nichenametla Bhargavi
Swastik R Gowda
Damini CL
Design and Implementation of Kidney Stone Detection using Image Processing
Mr. Aneesh Jain
Lepakshi T V
M V Ramya
Rachana C hulikatti
Namratha J Nair
Design and Implementation of Gesture Vocalizer Using Smart Glove
Mr. Deepak raj
Divyashree L V
Brunda H Y
Akshan Sandeep Dsouza
Design and Implementation of Covi-19 Safety Amalgamation
Mr. Sachin K
Bhoomika R Hebbhar
Chandan C
Lavanya B
Abhishek M Shastry K
Design and Implementation of Micro Weather Station (MWS)